European retail investors turn bearish on CAC 40 amid post-Olympics calm and economic uncertainty

  • Spectrum Markets’ SERIX® data reveals a bearish shift in sentiment towards the CAC 40, with the index dropping from a neutral 100 in July to a bearish 93 in August
  • Traders show growing caution towards the French economy post-Olympics, likely due to political uncertainty, flat earnings, and luxury sector concerns
  • Spectrum saw after-hours trading in August 2024 reach 38.7%, its highest level since November 2022, reflecting rising demand for 24/5 trading hours 

Spectrum Markets (“Spectrum”), the pan-European trading venue designed for retail investors, has published its SERIX® sentiment data for European retail investors for August, revealing a bearish sentiment towards the CAC 40, which dropped from a neutral 100 in July to a bearish 93 in August.

The SERIX® value indicates retail investor sentiment, with a number above 100 marking bullish sentiment, and a number below 100 indicating bearish sentiment. (See below for more information on the methodology).

August witnessed significant market-sensitive events that triggered spikes in volatility. As a result, 38.7% of trading on Spectrum took place outside of traditional European market hours during this period, its highest level of out of hour trading on Spectrum since November 2022.

Market opinion

“Our bearish investor sentiment index indicates a degree of pessimism among retail investors, as the attention switched back to politics. After the heightened political uncertainty caused by President Macron’s call for a snap election in June, the upcoming Olympics worked as a distraction to investors’ concerns," says Michael Hall, Head of Distribution at Spectrum Markets.  

“Political deadlocks, however, did not vanish. This, combined with headwinds in French corporate earnings, especially in the luxury goods sector, has added to market concerns. Global demand, especially from China, has been weaker than expected, leading to underperformance from major companies like LVMH and L'Oréal," Hall concludes.

Spectrum’s August data

In August 2024, order book turnover on Spectrum was €306.3 million, with 38.7% of trades taking place outside of traditional hours (i.e., between 17:30 and 9:00 CET).

The order book turnover was distributed among various underlying assets as follows: 82.2% on indices, 2.8% on currency pairs, 7.4% on commodities, 4.5% on equities and 3.1% on cryptocurrencies. The top three traded underlying markets were NASDAQ 100 (34.3%), DAX 40 (26.6%), and DOW 30 (11.4%).

Looking at the SERIX® data for the top three underlying markets, the NASDAQ 100 remained at a neutral 100 from last month, while the DAX 40 dropped from a neutral 100 to a bearish 96, and the DOW 30 increased slightly but remained bearish from 96 to 98 last month.

Serix chart

Calculating SERIX® data

The Spectrum European Retail Investor Index (SERIX®), uses the trading venue’s pan-European trading data to shed light on investor sentiment towards current development in financial markets.

The index is calculated on a monthly basis by analysing retail investor trades placed and subtracting the proportion of bearish trades from the proportion of bullish trades, to give a single figure (rebased at 100) that indicates the strength and direction of sentiment:

SERIX® = (% bullish trades - % bearish trades) + 100

Trades where long instruments are bought and trades where short instruments are sold are both considered bullish trades, while trades where long instruments are sold and trades where short instruments are bought are considered bearish trades. Trades that are matched by retail clients are disregarded. (For a detailed methodology and examples, please visit this link).

About Spectrum Markets

Spectrum Markets is a pan-European trading venue for financial instruments aimed at financial institutions and their retail investors. Headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, and with presence across Europe, Spectrum Markets was designed for transparency, integration and openness while enabling unparalleled access to the markets beyond traditional trading hours with 24/5 on-venue trading for the first time in Europe.

Since launch in August 2019, financial instruments listed on Spectrum Markets have been made available for retail trading in Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Ireland and Finland.

Acting as a MiFID II regulated trading venue authorised and supervised by BaFin, Spectrum Markets uses a uniquely open architecture, allowing intermediaries and product providers to offer to retail investors a unique trading experience with increased choice, control and stability.

Being an MTF (Multilateral Trading Facility), Spectrum Markets provides access to innovative products designed to give European retail traders flexibility and control over their trades. This includes Turbo24, the world’s first 24-hour turbo warrant.

Through the pan-European ISIN, 24/5 trading services, intraday issuance and a fully proprietary venue, Spectrum Markets enables a guaranteed baseline level of liquidity over a range of products, is able to swiftly and safely match a significant number of orders, and to process messages with a low latency.

Spectrum Markets publishes SERIX® – the Spectrum European Retail Investor Index – a pan-European client sentiment that informs as to whether retail investors have taken exposure on a bullish or bearish view on a specific underlying. SERIX® is a measure based on trades made by retail investors across Europe which can be used to compare how sentiment has changed (in terms of directionality or strength of sentiment) over time on a monthly basis.

Spectrum Markets is a wholly owned subsidiary of IG Group (LSEG: IGG).

Further information can be found at

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All information contained herein is for information purposes only and addresses exclusively Members of Spectrum Markets and persons interested in becoming a Member of Spectrum Markets. Nothing herein constitutes an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any financial instrument(s) listed on Spectrum Markets or any product described herein. Spectrum Markets does not provide financial services, such as investment advice or investment brokerage. Prospective retail investors can trade such products only with their brokers. The information herein does not constitute investment advice or an investment recommendation. Any information provided does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and needs of any specific person who may receive it.