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Class CNBC Market Place 21/12/22

Watch the episode of ‘Market Place’, the new show live on air with Class CNBC, hosted by Emerick de Narda. The show is dedicated to investment trends in the markets, financial innovation and the transformation of digital finance.

In this episode, Christophe F. Grosset, European Sales Director of Spectrum Markets, is joined by Paolo Serafini, an esteemed trader and financial market analyst and member for Italy of the "Trader's Club," an initiative launched by Spectrum at the pan-European level that brings together the best trading specialists in different countries.

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Class CNBC Market Place 16/11/22

Watch the episode of ‘Market Place’, the new show live on air with Class CNBC, hosted by Emerick de Narda. The show is dedicated to investment trends in the markets, financial innovation and the transformation of digital finance.

In this episode, Christophe F. Grosset, European Sales Director of Spectrum Markets, is joined by Paolo Serafini, an esteemed trader and financial market analyst and member for Italy of the "Trader's Club," an initiative launched by Spectrum at the pan-European level that brings together the best trading specialists in different countries.

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Class CNBC Market Place 11/10/22

Rivedi la puntata di Market Place, l’appuntamento in onda su Class CNBC, condotto da Emerick de Narda. Lo spazio è dedicato alle tendenze di investimento sui mercati, all’innovazione finanziaria e alla relativa trasformazione della finanza in un contesto sempre più digitale.

In questa puntata, Christophe F. Grosset, European Sales Director di Spectrum Markets, è affiancato da Nicolas Bertrand, CEO di Komainu, società leader nella custodia di asset digitali dedicato agli investitori istituzionali, per parlare del futuro degli asset cripto. I dati SERIX mostrano come nelle ultime settimane il sentiment degli investitori individuali sia più positivo su Bitcoin e Ethereum. L’industria è giovane ma ha ancora ampi margini di crescita e stabilizzazione, anche e soprattutto attraverso quelle realtà come Spectrum, MTF regolamentato e trasparente, e Komainu, che garantiscono sicurezza per l’investitore finale.

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